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How to have a successful interview as an Extrovert

Written by: Charlotte Rogers
Published on: 10 Dec 2021

Extrovert in Interview Hero Image

You wouldn’t initially think that extroverts have many issues when it comes to job interviews, but the only difference between introverts and extroverts is the way social interaction makes them feel. They may not feel as nervous as an introvert, but it doesn’t mean they aren’t nervous! An interview situation can be a very intimidating situation, for anyone. So, it’s all about using your thoughts to overcome the potential negative feelings and putting all of your strengths into it to ensure you have a positive result.

If you have a more extroverted personality, you’ve probably heard it all from friends and family. Saying that interviews will be a breeze because you can talk to anybody. However, with a more outgoing personality type, brings different worries. Don’t worry, we have some tips and advice on how to handle an interview as an extrovert and help you overcome any feelings of worry you may have.

Being an extrovert

Being an extrovert is a great quality when it comes to job interviews because you’re more likely to feel comfortable with social interaction and it may be easier for you to talk to new people. (The interviewer) However, although talking may be something you find easy, it can feel like you are diverting the conversation at times. It’s a common sign of nerves and you won’t be the first candidate to do this.

Being an extrovert is a trait to have, it likely means that you are outgoing, hard-working and you may find it easier to integrate with a team when you start a new job. Things that you may forget in a stressful situation. So, think of the advantages, prepare well and you can ace the interview.

Try to avoid too much off-topic conversation

Small talk can be an integral part of an interview, it shows the interviewer that you can hold a conversation, are comfortable with social interaction and might show them that you would fit in well with their team. Also, it is a good way of filling the gap between you meeting an interviewer and either being led to the interview room or waiting to get a drink.

This is all part of giving a good first impression, and you obviously want to build rapport with the interviewer as soon as possible. However, sometimes as an extroverted person, you may extend the length of the conversation and keep off topic. You are there for an interview after all and although it may calm your nerves to talk about your journey in full, know the social ques on when to stop and when to get into ‘interview mode’.

Show more than just your personality

Showing who you are in an interview can be very important, you want to be able to bring your full self to work and they should accept that. However, you are more than just your personality. You have skills and achievements, and you are there to sell those as well as yourself.

You have to research and prepare for an interview, make them know that you have worked hard to be there. Take the time to showcase your talents and really persuade them. Your personality and who you are is a part of this, but ultimately, they want to know about your experience and why you are there for that particular role.

If you have a portfolio, then take it with you and you will be able to use this as a conversation starter, especially great if you feel yourself moving off topic. You are there to sell yourself and as an extrovert, you have the skills to do this. You just need to be able to work past the nerves, this takes time and practice, but understanding what it is you do when under pressure, can help you work on your mistakes and move past them.

Take the time to listen

When you’re an extrovert, it’s really easy to get over-enthusiastic about a topic and end up inadvertently interrupting or speaking for a long period of time. If you are a well-prepared person, it’s likely that you will have the answer to the question before it’s even out of the interviewer’s mouth, but if you start hastily replying you might end up missing out on some key points that you could’ve mentioned. Think about your answers; have a one or two-second gap between the end of their question and the beginning of your reply. You’re only human, they don’t expect you to have an answer straight away. You’re allowed to think about it first. Read their body language and don’t talk just for the sake of filling a silence.

If you ask them a question, let them answer it before you ask another one. You are there to learn more about them, so use the opportunity to ask questions and take down notes if you need to. Note taking can be a good distraction and will show them that you are actually taking in the information.

Extroversion is a fantastic skill to have, especially in an interview situation. You’re more likely to be comfortable and open with the interviewer and you won’t shy away from any awkward questions. (To an extent) It makes you a team player who usually says what’s on their mind and won’t mind asking for help when they need it. However, you also want to let them know that you’re capable of working independently when needed and you can make well-informed decisions. If you can demonstrate an awareness of your personality type and highlight how it can make you do your job better, that can only be a good thing.