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January Career Advice Round-Up

Written by: Charlotte Rogers
Published on: 30 Jan 2023

January Round-Up Thumbnail

The start of a new year can feel exciting and stressful all at once. You might be taking this time to think about your current work situation and what you want to achieve this year. The beginning of the year can be a busy time for many reasons, so if you have missed any of January’s articles, you can find them all in this one handy place. 

Whether you’re looking for advice on your new year job search, advice on recruitment consultants or interview presentations, you can find it all here. We have shared 7 new articles this month and you can find more over on our careers and advice page. We hope you’ve had a great start to 2023

New year, new job?

The idea of a change in the new year can be really exciting and sometimes the idea of a new beginning is all we need to motivate change.

A lot of people like to start the new year with new ambitions and for many, that may mean a new job. If you’ve been job seeking for a while, take the time to reflect on what you achieved last year and how you can improve. There is plenty of time to do your research, learn and enjoy the job seeking process, so don’t rush! Click the link above to read the full article and read our tips and advice on how you can reach your job goals in 2023. 

Questions recruitment consultants may ask you in a screening interview

Recruitment consultants can be a great tool to use when you are looking for your next job, but do you understand their on-boarding processes? It’s a recruitment consultant’s job to match the right candidate to the right job for them, so they have their own interview processes that they follow. They need to ensure they are not wasting yours, theirs, or their clients' time. To do this, they often invite candidates to a screening interview. This article takes you through what you should expect and how to prepare. Click the link above to read the full article. 

L3 Harris in Tewkesbury: Engineering Stories

A global aerospace, security and defence technology innovator, L3Harris delivers integrated end-to-end solutions that unlock mission agility for both military and commercial customers. From offices in Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire and Fleet, Hampshire in the UK, a 300-strong team collaborates to protect nations and save lives. Find out more about L3 Harris and their engineers in the article link above. 

New things to learn in 2023

The new year is filled with new opportunities and possibilities. It’s the time of year where you start to plan ahead and think about what you want to do with your time. It’s a good idea to be learning new skills and taking on new opportunities throughout the year, but the idea of a ‘fresh start’ can be good motivation for a lot of us. Whether you are currently working or job seeking full-time, there is always room for learning. We have compiled a list of skills that can not only allow you to learn something new and useful but can help you feel motivated throughout the year and enjoy your time.

Tips for coping with a long-term job search

Job seeking can be unpredictable, you never know the outcome or what will happen with the jobs you apply for. It can cause a worrying feeling and not knowing is something a lot of people simply don’t enjoy. However, there are ways of coping with these emotions, and we have this article to talk you through it. 

Choose your goals and use them to drive your motivations. There will be failures but there will also be successes. 

Job sharing

Have you ever considered job sharing? Or maybe this is the first time you have heard of it. Job sharing is a great way to find a work-life balance that works for you or use the extra time to work on other projects. It’s classed as part-time work and you share your role with another employee. Essentially, you work together to ensure that the duties of that one role are being effectively carried out. 

Are you interested? Read the full article to learn more about job sharing and why it might be a good step for you and your career. 

How to present during an interview

Interviews may have different stages and depending on the employer or level you are in your career, there are various tasks you may be asked to complete. Presentations are one of these tasks that may be asked of you.

This article discusses why you may be asked to do an interview, how to prepare for and how to present in an interview. Click the link above to read the full article.