What does it mean to be an ESTP Personality type? - The Dynamo
If you’ve been following this series, you’ll know we have discussed many different personality types before. These can all be found over in the Career and Advice Section. This week we will be discussing the ESTP personality type, their potential strengths, and weaknesses and how they can utilise these things to improve their interview technique. So, keep reading to find out more!
ESTP’s – Also known as The Dynamo tend to be energetic people who are always looking for their next thrill-seeking adventure. They really do bring a sense of dynamic energy to their personal and work relationships. This personality type often prefers to have a very fast paced lifestyle and they are quick to make choices. Being put on the spot can often be difficult for some people, but ESTP’s thrive in this kind of environment. They will do what they think is right in the moment and won’t look back.
What does ESTP stand for?
Extraverted, Sensing, Thinking and Perceiving. This description explains a person that is energised when they spend time with others. They thrive working around people and enjoy spending time with them compared to spending it alone. The Dynamo also tends to be someone who works with facts, rather than ideas. They like to do things based on what they know and don’t often like to dabble with creativity when it’s not necessary. They also typically prefer to be spontaneous rather than having everything planned to a tee. Where organisation may be important to them, they feel like they can work under pressure and take things as they come. ENTP’s are often referred to as The Dynamo because of their high energy and active approach to life and their work.
Strengths of The Dynamo
Highly motivated attitude – More often than not, ESTP’s are very self-assured, they know what they want, and they are willing to work hard to get it. They are not lazy people, they put in the effort and are great at improvising. No one likes being put on the spot, but when they are, they are able to come out of the situation with a solution. The Dynamo may not find interview scenarios overly stressful, so they should use this time to explain their motivated mentality. Let the employer know who you are and what you are willing to do to work for them.
Direct – Most ESTP’s are very direct and to the point. They don’t like to dance around the facts and are happy to let people know how they are feeling. More than anything, they do this to be efficient. If there is a problem that needs solving, they want it out of the way and done to the best of their ability. Being able to say it exactly how it is, is a great skill for leaders to have. Some people may not like this quality, but as long as you are doing it for the right reasons, embrace it.
Bold – This personality type is driven, and a sense of competition can only help them feel like they need to do better. They can adapt to the environment and if they are put on the spot, they’ll work with it. They are willing to do whatever it takes to get where they want to be. This can be personal or professional.
With strengths come weaknesses
Impatient – Sometimes when a person is bold and highly motivated, they are constantly working towards goals and expect results of some kind. ESTP’s are quick thinkers, they work well under pressure. But when things take a turn and slow down, this can be frustrating for the individual. As well as situations that can cause impatient feelings, they tend to feel the same way about others that don’t work at the same pace as they do. They are willing to drop ‘dead weight’ if it comes to it. Sometimes not making them great team players. When asked about weaknesses during an interview, it’s good to point out your flaws and let the employer know that you don’t think you’re perfect. However, tweak them, let them know you are aware and improving yourself. Impatience can be seen as a ‘positive weakness’ in some ways. It shows that you like to be on schedule and work to a certain standard. But let them know you will actively try to work on this ‘flaw’.
Can sometimes have an unstructured lifestyle – When people don’t like to work to a strict schedule, it can be easy to forget what you’re meant to be doing. Things can be easily forgotten and left until last minute. Although the ESTP may be comfortable with this way of living and working, it can potentially breed chaos for everyone around them, causing a strain on their professional relationships. Working in a team means sometimes you will have to make compromises. Simply being mindful of your actions and trying to make a conscious change is enough. Small changes can go a long way, even simply writing down a list at the beginning of each working day can make a difference. In interviews, it’s important to explain the importance of improvement, no one is perfect.
How to try and reach your full potential
Everyone is different and everyone has both strengths and weaknesses, it’s what makes us human. What gives us the opportunity to grow and learn is the ability to see what we can do to improve and to slowly work on it. You should give yourself the benefit of the doubt because everyone you know is also working to develop themselves. Perfecting is simply not achievable.
Although ESTP’s are typically risk takers, it might be a good idea to start looking ahead and thinking of the consequences. “Although ESTPs are quite confident in their abilities and usually accurate in these personal assessments, they will benefit from greater time spent considering the potential outcomes of their actions and decisions.” (Truity, 2021)
You can still work how you feel most comfortable, take every day as it comes and see what happens. However, there will be things in your job that need to be done every day. It might be good to start making a list or forming a routine that keeps you from getting side-tracked and forgetting the day-to-day tasks.
The Dynamo’s primary focus is making decisions in the moment. They are engaged with their environments and solve practical problems quickly. This is a great skill to have! Interviews can be tricky situations for everyone, taking the time to understand yourself a little better can help it feel easier to share with someone else.