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How to manage your references
- 23 Aug 2019
When applying for jobs, it’s important to have a list of strong references ready, in addition to your updated CV and cover letter. Keep reading for our tips on how to manage your references appropriately.
- 14 Aug 2019
The importance of teaching STEM based subjects in schools is extremely high, but where do the arts fit in? Read more to find out how important it can be to include the arts and how they can help inspire more young people.
Should you be thinking about freelancing?
- 6 Aug 2019
Having the ability to chose when and where you work is just one of the benefits that freelance workers have. To find out more, we spoke to some professionals and how they feel about their freelancing engineering career.
Relocation? Is it right for you?
- 23 Jul 2019
When you find yourself considering relocating for a job, there are, of course, many different factors that you should begin considering before you apply for a role. Continue reading for some advice and more information about relocating for your job.
What should you bring to your interview?
- 19 Jul 2019
When preparing for an interview, some can often worry about what to bring with them. It's not often discussed, unless employers want something specific from you. Here is a list of a few essential things you may want to think about taking to your next interview.
Why resilience is important for job-seekers
- 16 Jul 2019
A crucial Part of job-seeking is having the ability to adapt to whatever is thrown at you. Resilience is about being able to bounce back and carry on and learn from your experiences, even after you have had bad news. It's always best to try and keep going to make sure you reach your goals.
How to be more efficient at work
- 12 Jul 2019
Working efficiently doesn’t always refer to working in a job role, you may need a little push to make your job-hunt more efficient too. The tips below can be used for any work situation you have!
How to reschedule a job interview
- 5 Jul 2019
Rescheduling a job interview may not be something you want to do, but sometimes there is no way around it. Use our tips on how to reschedule your interview and it can leave you feeling a lot better about the situation.
How do you get your CV noticed and passed through the filters?
- 1 Jul 2019
Applying for a job online has become the norm for many job-seekers, it is said to be quicker and more efficient. However, there can be things that may prevent your CV from making it through some online filters. Read our tips below to try and prevent this happening to you and get your CV read!
How to land your first job with no work experience
- 14 Jun 2019
Sometimes the most daunting part of your early career can be leaving education with no work experience. Sometimes getting industry experience before leaving school just isn't going to happen, but there are plenty of ways around it. Keep reading and see how you can make sure your application gets noticed.
How to tackle second interviews
- 11 Jun 2019
Second interviews are a frequent occurrence for most job-seekers and just like the initial interview, there are ways you can prepare and make the most of the opportunity. Keep reading to find our tips on tackling a second interview.
How to talk about career gaps in your CV
- 7 Jun 2019
Career gaps are becoming more common for more reasons than one. Whatever your situation, it is important to be able to talk about career breaks in interviews and on your CV. Here are a few tips to help you along the way.
Everyday skills that are essential to an Engineering Career
- 24 May 2019
Engineering can require more than just your qualifications. There are some every day skills that will help you throughout your career. Some of these skills may come naturally to you and some may just take a bit of practise. Keep reading to know what some of these important skills are and how to use them within your career.
Understanding the Importance of Mental Health in the Engineering Community
- 7 May 2019
Mental health can be an extremely difficult thing to deal with in day-to-day life and job-seeking does not make it any easier. You are not alone and there are ways that you can get extra support during your job-search.
Answering Those Difficult Interview Questions
- 1 May 2019
Interviews are a daunting aspect of job-seeking but we all have to do them. There may be some particular questions that are worrying you, so read our tips on how to ace those answers and bag yourself that dream job.
How I Got Here - CERN
- 11 Apr 2019
We spoke to Saida Thamya Khan about her engineering career so far, why she chose the engineering industry and how her current employer fuels her ambition for engineering. She is currently a Senior Fellow for the Compact Muon Solenoid experiment and also for the Electromagnetic Calorimeter.
What to ask in an Engineering Interview?
- 27 Mar 2019
The thought of asking questions in an interview can knock the confidence of many applicants. With a little bit of preparation and research before your interview, the questions you ask can have a significant affect on the outcome.
5 tips for breaking into the tech & engineering industries
- 31 Mar 2017
With the tech sector currently employing close to 200, 000 people, and the engineering sector employing 5.5 million people across a wide variety of roles, it’s no surprise that these industries are much sought-after.
Neuro diversity: Autism into cyber
- 17 Mar 2017
In today’s all-digital world, cyber security cannot be ignored in any industry.